Wei Lun Foundation Professorship in Business
Professor Albert Ha
Chair Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics and Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics & Operations Management

Prof. Ha's research interests are in the areas of supply chain management, focusing on contracting, information sharing and competition. His research findings shed light into how firms in a supply chain can collaborate to improve the overall system performance.

Hong Kong is the brain of the world's supply chain operation. Our leadership in this field is aided by the research insights of academic experts, of which Prof. Albert Ha is a leader among equals. As a scientist, his focus is not on solving the problems of specific companies. His holistic interest is in developing theories to explain and improve the practices of a complex business, with industry-wide or even cross-industry applications. This research approach calls for an interdisciplinary analysis for which Prof. Ha is uniquely qualified, with a PhD in Operations Management from Stanford University, a bachelor degree in Civil Engineering from Hong Kong University, and an MBA from the Chinese University.

Prof. Ha is best known for his work on contracting and information sharing in supply chains. His research findings shed light into how firms in a supply chain can work in sync to improve the overall system performance to the benefit of all parties. His academic leadership is well recognized by his editorial appointments at the leading journals in his field. He is currently a Department Editor of Production and Operations Management, and has been an Associate Editor of three other top journals, Management Science and Operations Research since 2000 and Manufacturing and Service Operations Management since 2006. These editorial duties, though time-consuming, often influence the direction of research. The editors are in a position to lead the journals to both affect and reflect industry concerns and trends. Prof. Ha's editorial leadership has given HKUST even greater visibility in the international research community.